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Before you start building apps with webforJ, make sure your development environment is set up with the following essential tools. This section overviews each of the requirements and includes links to installation guides for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or higher

webforJ requires Java 17 or a newer version to ensure compatibility and access to the latest features of the Java ecosystem. The JDK provides the tools needed to compile, run, and manage Java apps. You can choose between Oracle JDK and the open source OpenJDK.

Installation links: The official Oracle versions of the JDK can be found at this link. Alternatively, open source versions of the various JDK versions can be found at here.

Java versions

Newer versions of the JDK can also be found and can be used with webforJ as well

How to verify your JDK installation

After installing the JDK, verify the installation by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

java -version

If installed correctly, you should see a response with version details indicating Java 17 or higher.

Installing Maven

Apache Maven is a build automation and dependency management tool that simplifies the process of including external libraries (like webforJ) in your project. Maven helps you manage project dependencies, compile code, run tests, and package applications.

To install Maven, follow this link to the download site. For detailed instructions on installation across various OSs, follow this link to a guide detailing the required steps.

Verify your Maven installation

After installing Maven, verify the installation by running:

mvn -v

The output should show the Maven version, Java version, and operating system information if Maven is installed correctly.

Java IDE

A Java IDE provides a comprehensive environment for writing, testing, and debugging your code. Some popular choices for Java development include:

  • IntelliJ IDEA: Known for its powerful Java support and rich plugin ecosystem.
  • Visual Studio Code: A lightweight, extensible code editor with Java support through plugins.
  • NetBeans: A free, open source IDE for Java and other languages, known for its ease of use and built-in project templates.