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Testing with Playwright

This documentation outlines the process for testing webforJ applications using Playwright, specifically focusing on the HelloWorldView from the webforj-archetype-hello-world.

App Basics

To learn more about the webforj-archetype-hello-world, refer to the App Basics Introduction section.


Before writing and running the Playwright tests, ensure the following:

  • The webforJ app is correctly set up and running on your local server.
  • You have installed:
    • Playwright Java bindings.
    • A compatible browser (Playwright can automatically install browsers during setup).
    • Maven for project dependencies.

Maven configuration

Add the necessary dependencies in your pom.xml for Playwright:


Testing example: HelloWorldView

The following code demonstrates a Playwright based test for the HelloWorldView component.
package com.example.views;

import static;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;


class HelloWorldViewTest {

static Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
Browser browser;
Page page;
String port = System.getProperty("server.port", "8080");

void setUp() {
browser = playwright.chromium().launch();
page = browser.newPage();
page.navigate("http://localhost:" + port + "/");

void shouldClickButton() {
page.getByText("Say Hello").click();

.containsText("Welcome to webforJ Starter webforJ!");

Key steps

  1. Initialize Playwright:

    • Create a Playwright instance.
    • Launch a browser instance using playwright.chromium().launch().
  2. Set Up Test Environment:

    • Open a new browser page with browser.newPage().
    • Navigate to the HelloWorldView page using the navigate method.
  3. Interact with Elements:

    • Use Playwright's locators to interact with DOM elements.
    • Fill input fields using locator("input").fill() and trigger actions using getByText("Say Hello").click().
  4. Assertions:

    • Verify the displayed toast message with PlaywrightAssertions.assertThat().
  5. Teardown:

    • Playwright automatically handles browser cleanup when the test finishes. For manual cleanup, you can close the browser using browser.close().

Running tests

  1. Start the webforJ server:

    mvn jetty:run
  2. Execute the test cases:

    mvn test

Expected behavior

  • On visiting http://localhost:<port>/, the HelloWorldView page loads.
  • Input webforJ into the text field and click the Say Hello button.
  • A toast message should appear with the text: Welcome to webforJ Starter webforJ!.